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Scrivener On The Go: Sync With Simplenote

Besides syncing Scrivener with Index Card for iPad (link) there is another possibility for taking your Scrivener content with you: syncing with Simplenote. Simplenote does...

Scrivener On The Go: Sync With Index Cards (iPad)

Literatureandlatte (the makers of Scrivener) have announced an iPad app that should be able to take your beloved Scrivener projects on the road with...

Scrivener AND Final Draft: Screenwriting Workflow

Why Final Draft AND Scrivener? Final Draft is pretty much THE screenwriting standard software around. The fdx format is very popular because it is used...

FREE: Screenwriting Templates for Pages

For those of you who like to work with Pages on a MAC or iOS there are free screenwriting templates available online. Fabrizio Fracas, a...

Save Time Outlining In Scrivener With This Corkboard Setup!

(This is written for Scrivener for Mac, Version 2.6) If you are an outlining type of writer chances are want to use Scrivener for it....

FREE: OpenOffice Screenwriting

Can you write a screenplay in OpenOffice? Well, why shouldn’t you? But is it comfortable? That’s what I’m trying to find out. As I’m sure you...

FREE: Novel Writing With Novlr

Write Your Novel In Your Browser - From Everywhere - Novlr.org is here Novlr is a simple online tool that lets you write novels in...

FREE: How Fountain Helps Your Writing

Fountain is not a screenwriting software per se but it is still worth mentioning here due to the many advantages it can have for...

FREE: Celtx Screenwriting Software

Celtx is one of the most known free writing software packages around. So, what does it offer? It’s online Until a few years ago celtx was...